Wall Timeline
This large format Wall Timeline begins with a column for Earliest History then continues from the 20th Century BC to the 21st Century AD. One timeline consists of three panels printed on heavier paper in a pleasing off-white color. The panels can be displayed in one long line (hallways work great) or stacked as shown in the photo. They are best affixed with tape or picture hanging strips for easy removal. You could also attach them to foam board for easy travel from room to room.
We now have a new, more compact design. Each panel is 12”x26”.
This large format Wall Timeline begins with a column for Earliest History then continues from the 20th Century BC to the 21st Century AD. One timeline consists of three panels printed on heavier paper in a pleasing off-white color. The panels can be displayed in one long line (hallways work great) or stacked as shown in the photo. They are best affixed with tape or picture hanging strips for easy removal. You could also attach them to foam board for easy travel from room to room.
We now have a new, more compact design. Each panel is 12”x26”.
This large format Wall Timeline begins with a column for Earliest History then continues from the 20th Century BC to the 21st Century AD. One timeline consists of three panels printed on heavier paper in a pleasing off-white color. The panels can be displayed in one long line (hallways work great) or stacked as shown in the photo. They are best affixed with tape or picture hanging strips for easy removal. You could also attach them to foam board for easy travel from room to room.
We now have a new, more compact design. Each panel is 12”x26”.